
Canadian Agriculture Injury Reporting: Agriculture-related Fatalities in Ontario 1990–2020

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22 4.16 FATAL AGRICULTURE-RELATED INJURIES, OTHER FACTS 2011 – 2020 Animal-related — Of the 5 animal-related fatalities: — 60% (n=3) involved a horse — 40% (n=2) involved cow / cattle Fall from Height — Of the 11 known fatal fall locations: — 36% (n=4) were as a result of a fall from a barn loft / upper floor / rafters — 27% (n=3) were as a result of a fall from ladder or scaffolding Struck by Non-Machine Object — Of the 17 deaths as a result of being struck by a non-machine object: — 41% (n=7) were struck by a bale / large round bale. Often the large bale is elevated while being moved and rolls onto deceased — 29% (n=5) involved being struck by a non-machine object — 24% (n=4) were struck by a tree, branch or log — 6% (n=1) involved a collapse of a building or structure Canadian Agriculture Injury Reporting Agriculture-related Fatalities in Ontario 1990 – 2020

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