
Canadian Agriculture Injury Reporting: Agriculture-related Fatalities in Ontario 1990–2020

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23 APPENDIX A: DECISION RULES Off-road vehicles Fatalities involving off-road vehicles such as ATVs, dirt bikes, and dune buggies were included in the fatality database if they occurred on a farm or ranch and / or involved agriculture- related work. Children at play Fatalities of children who were playing in the agricultural workplace were included. For example, cases in which a person engaged in agriculture-related work was unable to supervise a child whom they had taken to the agricultural work place; cases where a child was killed as a direct result of someone engaged in an agriculture-related work activity; cases where a child was killed due to a hazard of the farm or ranch environment such as a riding horses, tending to farm animals, drowning in dugouts / sloughs or manure pit, etc. INCLUSION OF FATALITIES AND INJURIES IN THE CAIR FATALITY DATABASE Alcohol involvement Fatal injuries where the victim was under the influence of alcohol were included in the database if they involved agriculture-related work or an agriculture-related hazard. Fatalities on highways Fatal injuries on public highways that involved agricultural vehicles, agricultural machinery or farm animals were included in the database. Medical conditions Fatalities attributed to pre-existing medical conditions (e.g., previous seizure or heart attack) were excluded from the fatality database. Fatalities where an agriculture-related injury (such as a fall from a machine) was immediately preceded by a significant medical event such as a stroke, seizure or heart attack, were also excluded. Fatalities from a heart attack where the victim was engaged in strenuous agriculture- related work at the time of or immediately before the heart attack are included in the fatality database as "overexertion". Secondary complications Fatalities that occurred in hospital from secondary complications of agriculture-related injuries (e.g., embolism, respiratory distress) were included in the fatality database. Note: New Brunswick does not identify these cases as farm- related if the fatality occurred more than two weeks after the agriculture-related injury. Canadian Agriculture Injury Reporting Agriculture-related Fatalities in Ontario 1990 – 2020

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