
Canadian Agriculture Injury Reporting: Agriculture-related Fatalities in Ontario 1990–2020

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24 APPENDIX B: GLOSSARY Injury Damage to a person caused by an acute transfer of energy (mechanical, thermal, electrical, chemical, or radiation) or by the sudden absence of heat or oxygen. Non-work hazards Non-work hazards of the farm environment would include things that one wouldn't typically find in a "non-farm" residence. This would include; various locations such as dugouts / sloughs, orchards, wood lots, manure pits, various farm machinery such as tractors, combines, ploughs. It would also include various outbuildings such as barns, quonsets, chicken coops, and various activities of tending to animals, improper storage of equipment and riding of horses. Numerator data Data used as numerator values in rate calculations. If presented as a fraction, the top half of an injury rate refers to the number of cases (events) for a particular mechanism of injury and / or age group. Runovers Machine-related agriculture-related injuries were identified and coded by CAIR as "agriculture- related runovers" if the victim was runover, struck, or pinned by an upright vehicle or agricultural machine that was under power or rolling on an incline. GENERAL TERMS Agriculture-related fatalities CAIR defines an agriculture-related fatality as 1) Any unintentional injury resulting in a fatality that occurs during activities related to the operation of a farm or ranch in Canada and / or 2) Any unintentional injury resulting in fatality that involves any hazard of a farm or ranch environment in Canada (excluding fatal non- work-related injuries that take place in the farm residence). This includes fatalities that occur away from agricultural work locations if agriculture-related work is being done; e.g., transporting workers, livestock, supplies or harvested crops on public highways; farm animals roaming on public highways. Fatalities in which victims are killed because a third party is engaged in agriculture-related work are also included. Denominator data Data used as denominator values in rate calculations. If presented as a fraction, the lower half of an injury rate refers to the population exposed over a given period of time. Farm Any farm or other agricultural holding that produces at least one of the following agricultural products intended for sale: crops, livestock, poultry, animal products, greenhouse or nursery products, mushrooms, sod, honey, or maple syrup products. (Census of Agriculture, Statistics Canada.) Canadian Agriculture Injury Reporting Agriculture-related Fatalities in Ontario 1990 – 2020

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