
Canadian Agriculture Injury Reporting: Agriculture-related Fatalities in Ontario 1990–2020

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3 1.4 THE USES OF CAIR DATA CAIR has developed a surveillance system for Canada that describes the occurrence and patterns of agriculture-related injuries at a higher level of detail than was available previously. At both national and provincial levels, CAIR has provided evidence that has assisted in the development of priorities for health and safety programs as well as strategies for the targeting of these initiatives. CAIR data have also facilitated the post-implementation assessment of injury prevention programs. Agriculture-related safety specialists and others require objective evidence so that they can promote awareness of agriculture-related injury issues and advocate for the allocation of additional resources to injury prevention and research programs. CAIR information has been used repeatedly to assist in advocacy efforts. This has contributed to the development of informed safety policy in the agricultural industry and to the funding of safety programs at international, national, and provincial levels. CAIR has provided baseline evidence to support several applied research projects such as the Saskatchewan Farm Injury Cohort Study funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (2005 – 2010). These projects include focused investigations aimed at the prevention of agriculture-related injuries in children and the elderly, studies of agriculture-related machinery injuries and their causes, and studies examining the economic burden of agriculture-related injuries. The main purpose of CAIR is to collect and analyze information on agriculture-related injuries from across Canada. CAIR established national standards for the collection of agriculture-related fatality and hospitalization data. Although a very rich data source, in 2002, CAIR ceased the collection of hospital admission data on a national basis due to budget cuts. The collection of hospital admissions data requires the review of hospital records in order to extract the circumstances around the injury producing event. Due to the sheer number of hospital admissions annually, the costs proved to be prohibitive. CAIR's vision: To be a pillar of agricultural safety providing a comprehensive national system of surveillance for fatal and non-fatal agricultural injuries. CAIR's mission: To provide Canada with national and provincial leadership in the prevention of agricultural injuries as a world leader in gathering information, conducting research, and translating knowledge into products and services. CAIR strives to ensure that fatality injury data are collected, compiled, and analyzed in a standard manner by all provinces and that the information is interpreted and communicated in ways that are helpful to those in the agricultural industry. CAIR's primary audience is individuals within the agricultural industry who need to make informed decisions about safety programs and policy. CAIR's reports represent one approach to making these data accessible to this audience. Other dissemination formats include articles in scientific journals, presentations at national conferences and information, on Canadian Agriculture Injury Reporting Agriculture-related Fatalities in Ontario 1990 – 2020

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