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Workplace Safety Tailgate Talks For the Landscape Industry

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104 355-BQD-01-IAAP © 2024, Workplace Safety & Prevention Services (WSPS) | 1 877 494 WSPS (9777) | WSPS.CA Landscape Ontario – Workplace Safety Tailgate Talks TRUCKS AND TRAILERS – LOAD SECURITY Equipment Hazards What would you do if...? A tractor fell through the floor boards of the trailer because they were not strong enough for the weight load. It is important to take the �me to secure all loads and ensure the truck or trailer is able to support the load it is carrying. Ensuring equipment and tools are safely secured can reduce the risk of injuries and incidents due to shi�ed equipment and falling objects. Prevention Points It is required under the Highway Traffic Act to secure loads to prevent anything from falling onto the roadway. Shifting loads and equipment may also cause the vehicle or trailer to become unstable and may lead to a potential incident. Consider everything you will be hauling to a jobsite and plan the best way to load equipment, secure all items and unload in a safe manner. Ensure the truck or trailer is secure from movement. Use chocks or blocks behind rear wheels. Make sure the weight of the load is properly distributed and secured with visible working weight load demarcations and tags on straps and chains. Secure all small tools, equipment and materials with chains or tie-down straps with visible weight load demarcations and tags. Use proper lifting techniques when loading and unloading items from the trailer (see Material Handling – Manual). Perform a safety check and recheck of the truck and trailer each time you stop before departing. Obey all traffic laws. All trees and topsoil must to be tarped completely. Avoid sharp turns when driving and drive slowly when backing up. Allow extra braking distance when transporting large volumes of liquids. ! ?

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