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Workplace Safety Tailgate Talks For the Landscape Industry

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106 355-BQD-01-IAAP © 2024, Workplace Safety & Prevention Services (WSPS) | 1 877 494 WSPS (9777) | WSPS.CA Landscape Ontario – Workplace Safety Tailgate Talks TRUCKS AND TRAILERS – DRIVING Motor vehicle collisions on Ontario roads are the greatest single cause of, and accounts for more than 30% of all Ontario worker fatali�es–making motor vehicle incidents the biggest risk Ontarians face each day they go to work. Take the �me to learn and prac�ce safe driving techniques and ensure to properly wear seat belts at all �mes. Drivers who exceed speed limits by 30 km/h or more are about 6 �mes more likely to cause a motor vehicle incident. Prevention Points Here are some road safety reminders: Review the General Health & Safety Best Practices section on page 7 before performing any task. Keep your eyes on the road and your hands on the wheel. – Drive with corrective lenses (glasses, contacts) as prescribed. Never use hand-held electronic devices when operating a vehicle. Consider load weights and weather conditions when selecting appropriate travelling speeds on highways. Do not eat, drink, or personally groom while driving a vehicle. Driving drowsy can be as deadly as driving under the influence of drugs, alcohol or stress (see Fatigue and Reaction Time). Practice good housekeeping and cleanliness habits at all times to minimize hazards: – Avoid storing any materials, papers or debris on the dash board of your vehicle as it creates a visual glare and distraction for the driver. – Avoid hanging objects from rear view mirrors as it creates a blind spot for the driver. – Remove waste from vehicles' interior and exterior at the end of every shift. Avoid driving during inclement weather conditions when possible. – Drive slower in rain, fog, ice or snow, and pay even more attention. – Pre-plan route so you know where and how you are going to get to your destination. When entering an intersection, be careful; obey the traffic signals or signs. Proceed with caution and don't assume anything. When changing lanes, check your mirrors and blind spots, watch out for other vehicles and start to signal well before you actually change lanes. Always maintain a safe following distance between you and the vehicle in front (3 to 6 second rule depending on vehicle length and load weight being carried). Ensure your vehicle is inspected, well maintained and all repairs are complete and recorded. Pay special attention to wiper blades and washer fluid, brakes and tires. Replace as soon as they are worn. For more information, refer to the MTO page on Distracted Driving. ! ! ACTION! Discuss driving tips with crew related to current weather conditions.

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