Guides & Toolkits

Workplace Safety Tailgate Talks For the Landscape Industry

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©2024 Workplace Safety & Prevention Services. All rights reserved. 355-BQD-01-IAAP | REVISED APR 2024 Workplace Safety & Prevention Services™ (WSPS) is a not-for-profit organization committed to protecting Ontario's workers and businesses. It serves more than 174,000 member firms and 4.2 million workers across the agricultural, manufacturing and service sectors. A proud partner in the province's occupational health and safety system and a trusted safety advisor since 1917, WSPS has a rich history of making workplaces safer. WSPS.CA LANDSCAPE ONTARIO HORTICULTURAL TRADES ASSOCIATION Landscape Ontario Horticultural Trades Association is one of the most vibrant associations of its kind, comprised of over 2,000 members, ten sector groups and nine local chapters. Its trade mission is to promote the horticulture industry in Ontario, and its public mission is to promote the joys and benefits of green spaces. The association is a strong advocate for small business. It has been a leader in safety initiatives for the green industry, showing documented results for injury prevention. The association works diligently with WSIB in sponsorship of the Landscape Ontario Safety Groups. It also partners with WSPS on supporting the Safety Groups and providing compliance awareness, resources and industry– specific training across the province. 5110 Creekbank Road, Mississauga, ON L4W 0A1 t 1 877 494 WSPS (9777) | e  WSPS.CA

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