Guides & Toolkits

Workplace Safety Tailgate Talks For the Landscape Industry

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60 355-BQD-01-IAAP © 2024, Workplace Safety & Prevention Services (WSPS) | 1 877 494 WSPS (9777) | WSPS.CA Landscape Ontario – Workplace Safety Tailgate Talks MATERIAL HANDING – MANUAL Personal Protective Equipment Equipment Hazards What do you foresee being the most common type of injury related to manual material handling and how can it be prevented? Using safe li�ing techniques can help prevent permanent damage to your back and make the work easier. Prevention Points Sore and strained backs are the number one cause of lost time injuries in our industry. Many can be avoided with proper lifting habits, procedures and techniques. Never lift more than can be comfortably handled. Consider these proper lifting procedures: Review the General Health & Safety Best Practices section on page 7 before performing any task. Centre yourself over the load with your feet shoulder-distance apart with one foot beside the object to be lifted and the other behind. Bend at the knees. With knees bent, cradle the load as close to the body as possible. Keep your back straight, (never bend or twist over to pick up a load). Grasp the article securely with the palms of your hands and begin to lift by straightening your legs and keeping the load close to your body. Never twist your body when carrying an object. Use team lifting coordinated techniques when the object is too heavy, awkward or too large. Consider other lifting equipment if any load is awkward and too heavy. If the article or load cannot be lifted with your legs, then it is too heavy to be done manually. Consider using mechanical material handling equipment. ! ?

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