Guides & Toolkits

Workplace Safety Tailgate Talks For the Landscape Industry

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64 355-BQD-01-IAAP © 2024, Workplace Safety & Prevention Services (WSPS) | 1 877 494 WSPS (9777) | WSPS.CA Landscape Ontario – Workplace Safety Tailgate Talks MOWERS Personal Protective Equipment Equipment Hazards Between 2011 – 2018, there were 512 hospital cases reported in Canada for injuries related to lawn mowers (PHAC, 2018). Slippery and wet slopes or early morning dew are hazardous to mower opera�on. Prevention Points Safe use of mowers depends on gaining an understanding of each machine's capacity and operating characteristics. Review the General Health & Safety Best Practices section on page 7 before performing any task. Remove spark plugs before checking to ensure blades are sharp, free from obstruction, in proper operating order, properly balanced and are freely rotating. Ensure all guards are in place. Mow only in the daylight hours and never at night. Always turn the mower blades off when crossing a sidewalk or a driveway. Stop the mower immediately if the blade has hit an object. Remove keys and properly store equipment in a safe place. Never leave mower unattended. ! !

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