Guides & Toolkits

Workplace Safety Tailgate Talks For the Landscape Industry

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4 355-BQD-01-IAAP © 2024, Workplace Safety & Prevention Services (WSPS) | 1 877 494 WSPS (9777) | WSPS.CA Landscape Ontario – Workplace Safety Tailgate Talks Plan to Return to Work After an Injury In the event you are injured seriously enough to be off work, your employer should discuss how, when and what you will be doing when you return. A return-to-work plan, required by law, outlines the strategy and direction to be taken so an injured worker can return to their pre-incident job as quickly and safely as possible. This may involve many considerations, additional tasks, and further training. For more details on return-to-work responsibilities, visit the WSIB website. Training Tips Before you assign any worker to a new job, you should assess the individual's skills. Adequate training will be the key to safe, efficient job performance. The following are basics you should consider when training new workers: Clearly explain in plain language how and why a particular job will be performed. Make sure you have the full attention of your worker. Personally demonstrate the correct way of doing the work. You should go through the task first at a normal pace, and then repeat it at a slower pace, pointing out the various steps and answering any questions. Point out any hazards associated with the job and how a worker can best protect themselves from the hazard. Ensure all workers have demonstrated their ability to perform the work in the correct and safe manner. Use positive reinforcement to encourage good working practices. Encourage all workers to report unsafe conditions or equipment. Ensure the worker knows how to work with emergencies such as fire or situations requiring first aid. Complete and date a sign off sheet for each training session. How to Facilitate Workplace Safety Tailgate Talks Each hazard topic is designed as a quick 15-minute educational session for a crew which can be presented at the start of a shift. The information encourages open discussion, provides key prevention strategies and interactive opportunities, as well as presents the necessary PPE and safety hazards where applicable. Depending on the topic, you may need to go into more detail or need more time for the interactive component but keep in mind it is strongly suggested to keep these talks brief and focused. Review the necessary information beforehand so you are acquainted and comfortable with the material and/or resources to answer any questions. How to Use this Tool: 1. Identify the priority topics for your company from the table of contents. 2. Plan out your weekly or daily safety tailgate talk sessions for all crews and staff.

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