Guides & Toolkits

Workplace Safety Tailgate Talks For the Landscape Industry

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7 355-BQD-01-IAAP © 2024, Workplace Safety & Prevention Services (WSPS) | 1 877 494 WSPS (9777) | WSPS.CA Landscape Ontario – Workplace Safety Tailgate Talks Hot Surfaces are surfaces that have become heated as a result of using a piece of equipment and may remain heated a�erwards. This also includes the surface of the equipment Shear/Cu�ng Point can be created when the edges of two objects are moved closely enough together to cut through material [ANSI Z535.4, 2002] General Health & Safety Best Practices Circle Checks: Before using any equipment, perform and document an inspection (circle check) using the manufacturers' recommendations found in the owner's manual. Record any repairs needed to the equipment using the internal hazard reporting policy. Any defects should warrant the equipment to be tagged, locked out and removed from usage according to internal company maintenance policies. Fuelling: Always use National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) approved non-spill containers with spouts to avoid spillage and equipped with the appropriate flame arrester. Before fuelling, refer to the safety data sheet for recommended handling and spill containment instructions. Make sure to fuel equipment when engine is shut off and cooled. (Refer to Fuelling for more information). Guarding: All guards and protective devices should be operational and in place. Do not place hands or feet near moving or rotating parts. Housekeeping: Ensure your working environment (including trucks) is neat and organized at all times to maximize safety and efficiency. Good housekeeping and cleanliness habits can minimize hazards leading to slips, trips and falls; fires; biohazardous situations; and equipment and/or property damage. It is the employer's duty to ensure the worker is competent in all aspects of the required tasks of the job. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Properly fitted and well-maintained CSA approved PPE necessary for the task/job should always be worn. Workers should remove all jewelry, tie back long hair, and eliminate any loose or dangling garments such as drawstrings and scarves. Public Safety: Ensure all people, pets, possessions, and property remain outside of the safe working area. Seatbelts: Seatbelts should be properly functioning and worn at all times when using equipment with a roll-over protective structure (ROPS) in place. Substances/Medications/Illnesses: Operating equipment under the influence of alcohol, drugs or medications and illness is dangerous and unacceptable.

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