Guides & Toolkits

Workplace Safety Tailgate Talks For the Landscape Industry

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72 355-BQD-01-IAAP © 2024, Workplace Safety & Prevention Services (WSPS) | 1 877 494 WSPS (9777) | WSPS.CA Landscape Ontario – Workplace Safety Tailgate Talks PORTABLE CRANES, RIGGING AND LIFTING MATERIALS Personal Protective Equipment Equipment Hazards When would you require such equipment? What types of injuries are possible when using this equipment? Extra cau�on is needed whenever a load is li�ed in the air, regardless of the height. The poten�al for serious injury or death exists every �me a load is raised. Prevention Points Incidents can result from machine failure or from defective slings or rigging. Consider the following prevention points to prevent injury. Review the General Health & Safety Best Practices section on page 7 before performing any task. Ensure all chains are in good condition and working weight loads are not exceeded. Make certain all people, pets, possessions and property remain a safe distance away from the lifted load. This should be at least equal to the lifting height or approximately 50 feet (15 m). Gently guide the load in the air to avoid undue cable stress. Make sure the load you are lifting is secure and cannot shift while in the air. After the load is released, stand back while it is hoisted. Always use warning pylons, danger signs, blockages, and barriers whenever lifting a load. Compare load weight capacity of the cranes, ropes, wires and it to the weight of the load being lifted. ! ?

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