Guides & Toolkits

Workplace Safety Tailgate Talks For the Landscape Industry

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2 355-BQD-01-IAAP © 2024, Workplace Safety & Prevention Services (WSPS) | 1 877 494 WSPS (9777) | WSPS.CA Landscape Ontario – Workplace Safety Tailgate Talks Worker Behaviour is the Turning Key in any Safe Working Environment Developing safe work habits in your workplace is the key ingredient to preventing many injuries, illnesses and fatalities. Here are some basic guidelines to initializing safe work habits in your workplace: Ensure everyone knows where to find all available first aid kits and can access individuals who are properly trained and certified in first aid. Adopt and enforce good housekeeping habits. Have Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) available for all workers and enforce proper usage – remember PPE is there to protect your body and must be worn. Ensure workers are dressed appropriately for the weather, tasks and jobsite conditions. Make warm up and stretching part of the daily workplace routine. Encourage effective communication by listening, asking questions and seeking clarification. Effective communication starts with you and ends when all parties involved understand what is being said. Avoid behaviours which may inhibit, impair or cause injuries to self or others. Report any witnessed unsafe behaviour immediately to your supervisor. Roles and Responsibilities Everyone has a role to play when it comes to safety. It's important to know how everyone can contribute to a safe and efficient workplace by understanding the roles, responsibilities and rights of management, supervisors and workers (Table 1). Refer to sections 25–28 of the OHSA for greater detail on roles and responsibilities. All roles and responsibilities of each of these three groups must be in writing and should be highlighted in either their job description or the company's policies. The following rights apply to all workers under the OHSA: Right to know Right to participate Right to refuse unsafe work Table 1: Roles and Responsibilities Chart MANAGEMENT SUPERVISORS WORKERS health and safety system direction and planning provide direction and guidance to workers actively participate in health and safety take every precaution reasonable in the protection of the worker enforce correct working procedures and use of personal protective equipment work in compliance of the OHSA and company rules and procedures ensure equipment, materials and protective devices are provided and maintained in good condition communicate hazards and control procedures to workers wear personal protective equipment assigned to them

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