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Workplace Safety Tailgate Talks For the Landscape Industry

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91 355-BQD-01-IAAP © 2024, Workplace Safety & Prevention Services (WSPS) | 1 877 494 WSPS (9777) | WSPS.CA Landscape Ontario – Workplace Safety Tailgate Talks Have extra salt, windshield fluid and spare parts in your vehicle at all times. Ensure you have sufficient fuel for the duration of the task as hand. Keep truck windows and windshields free of moisture. Site plans noting potential obstacles/conditions should be prepared for each individual site. Survey the location of curbs, hydrants, poles, etc., and install reflective markers. Locate any snow fence or barriers and any changes to the site. Discuss with the property owner where to pile the snow. Do not pile snow next to buildings. Do not pile snow over curb drains or to block run-offs. Ensure full lighting system is used during operation of the snow plow (according to regulations – refer to MTO website). Ensure that a Slow Moving Vehicle (SMV) sign is on equipment where applicable. Be patient with other drivers on the road, watch your speed and always obey all traffic laws. Drive according to the conditions of the site and weather. Ensure you are well rested before plowing. Ensure you are in communication with your office or other workers on a regular basis particularly throughout the duration of a snow event. Radio and cell communication should be restricted during vehicle operation. Rinse off and clean all equipment from salt, sand, etc., when the job is finished and securely store all vehicles and equipment in their proper storage place. Snow Plow Blades Maintain good steering capability. Many times the front blade will have a digging action which may lift all the weight from the front steering wheels. This makes it difficult to steer effectively. Operators should reduce the amount of snow bite or add more weight on the unit's front. Have several drop points for the snow. Take small bites which will flow across the blade surface. Approach piles of snow at a reasonable speed. ACTION! Perform a circle check of the plowing vehicle with your crew. Demonstrate how and what PPE is appropriate during this activity.

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