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PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT 2 375-BRJ-01-IMDO © 2024, Workplace Safety & Prevention Services (WSPS) 1 877 494 WSPS (9777) | 905 614 1400 | WSPS.CA In general, there are many types of jobs or tasks which require that PPE be worn to protect workers from harm. Always wear the appropriate PPE for the hazards that may be encountered in the job or that is required by your employer, or the legislation. Eye Protection Needed when: Welding, cutting and brazing Sawing Grinding Spray painting Sunlight Dusty environments Chemical gases, vapours or liquids Swinging chains or ropes Harmful light Any other situation that could cause injury to the eye Types of Eye Protection Safety glasses Safety goggles Face shields or full-face respirators All types of eye protection must meet the standards set out by the Canadian Standards Association (CSA). WSPS.CA

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