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PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT 4 375-BRJ-01-IMDO © 2024, Workplace Safety & Prevention Services (WSPS) 1 877 494 WSPS (9777) | 905 614 1400 | WSPS.CA Hand and Finger Protection Gloves can protect hands and forearms from cuts, abrasions, burns, puncture wounds, contact with hazardous chemicals, and some electrical shocks. Not every job requires gloves – never wear gloves when working with or around reciprocating or rotating machine parts. Choose the right glove for the right job: Glove Type Level of Protection Metal Mesh and Kevlar Knit Prevents cuts from sharp objects Leather Protects against rough objects, chips, sparks and moderate heat Cotton Fabric Protects against dirt, splinters and abrasions – improves grip Rubber, Neoprene, Vinyl Protects from chemicals. Read specifications on chemical package or safety data sheet for proper use Foot Protection When there is danger of slipping, wear slip-resistant safety shoes or boots, depending on the requirements of the environment and type of work. Always wear safety boots when there is danger of falling objects, stepping on sharp objects or other foot injury (IER S. 82). Wear the correct type of safety footwear for the job. You can refer to CSA Z195:14 (R2023) Protective footwear. WSPS.CA

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