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PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT 5 375-BRJ-01-IMDO © 2024, Workplace Safety & Prevention Services (WSPS) 1 877 494 WSPS (9777) | 905 614 1400 | WSPS.CA Footwear Level of Protection Symbol Description Meaning Green triangle indicates sole puncture protection with a Grade 1 protective toe cap. For industrial work environments, especially that of construction where sharp objects (such as nails) are present. Yellow triangle indicates sole puncture protection with a Grade 2 protective toe cap. For light industrial work environments requiring puncture protection as well as toe protection. Blue rectangle indicates a Grade 1 protective toe cap with no puncture-resistant sole. For industrial work environments not requiring puncture protection. Grey rectangle indicates a Grade 2 protective toe cap with no puncture-resistant sole. For industrial and non-industrial work environments not requiring puncture protection. White rectangle with orange Greek letter omega indicates electric-shock protective footwear. For industrial work environments where accidental contact with live electrical conductors can occur. Warning: Electrical shock resistance deteriorates with wear and in a wet environment. Yellow rectangle with black SD letters indicates static- dissipative footwear. For industrial work environments where a static discharge can create a hazard for workers or equipment. Warning: This footwear should not be used where contact with live electrical conductors can occur. Yellow rectangle indicates sole puncture protection with a Grade 2 protective to ecap. (super-static dissipative footwear) For industrial work environments where a static discharge can create a hazard for workers or equipment. Warning: This footwear should not be used where contact with live electrical conductors can occur. Red rectangle with white C letter indicates electrically conductive footwear. For industrial work environments where low-power electrical changes can create a hazard for workers or equipment. Warning: This footwear should not be used where contact with live electrical conductors can occur. WSPS.CA

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