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How to Read a WHMIS Safety Data Sheet

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What is a Safety Data Sheet (SDS)? SDSs help workers understand the risks associated with chemicals in their workplace and how to handle them safely. Written by the manufacturer, a SDS is a technical guidance document that describes the properties, potential hazards, safe handling, storage, and emergency measures, when working with hazardous materials. How are SDSs related to the Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS)? The Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) is Canada's national "legal" standard for communicating information about hazardous workplace products (chemicals, biologic materials, etc.). SDSs are an essential element of WHMIS, with both federal and provincial legislative requirements. Some responsibilities include: 1. Suppliers and Manufacturers Assess and ensure appropriate classification of the hazardous product (i.e. assessing the properties of the product and meeting required legal requirements if the product is hazardous). Provide an up-to-date supplier label and ensuring it is attached to the container of a hazardous product, before it is sold. Ensure that the SDS contains up-to-date information, and is available in English and French. Provide a copy of the SDS to the purchaser on or before the date of sale. Update the SDS when new information is available and provide the updated information to the workplace. HOW TO READ A WHMIS SAFETY DATA SHEET (SDS) WSPS.CA

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