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Multilingual worker safety resources

Language barriers could put new Canadians and temporary foreign workers in danger at work

Ontario is looking to fill gaps in its labour market by welcoming newcomers to the province at historic levels.

This, in addition to temporary foreign workers, means tens of thousands of new Canadians will be entering our workforce, bringing with them a varied understanding of health and safety rights, responsibilities, and workplace hazards. Language barriers may also complicate their ability to integrate into the workforce safely.

Knowing this, WSPS has developed multilingual learning resources to support the high-risk sectors of agriculture and manufacturing. Each aims to reduce injuries and fatalities by raising worker safety awareness and provides simple instructions for staying safe on the job.

Optimized for viewing on mobile devices, these tips and short, animated videos target hazards that can cause serious harm and were developed in languages identified by industry stakeholders as an area of need.

The new agriculture resources include:

  • Ladders and heights
  • Safely working with machines
  • Safely working with tractors

And are available in

  • Spanish
  • Thai
  • Vietnamese
  • English

Access the agricultural worker safety resources.

The new manufacturing resources include:

  • Loading and unloading trailers safely
  • Lockout tagout: Staying safe with hazardous energy
  • Machine and conveyor safety
  • Racking
  • Pedestrian safety: Safety around cars, vans and trucks
  • Safe lifting
  • Slips, trips and falls

And are available in

  • French
  • Mandarin
  • Punjabi
  • Spanish
  • Tagalog
  • English

Access the manufacturing worker safety resources.

Employers are encouraged to share these resources to help their workers better understand how to protect themselves on the job and make workplaces safer.

They may also wish to download and display the following QR code poster in their workplace, so workers can scan the code and quickly access the resources they need in their language of choice.

With knowledge of their rights and responsibilities, new Canadians, temporary foreign workers and others who identify English as their second language can become advocates for health and safety and a resource to coworkers and their community.

Published April 12, 2024

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