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NEW: Heat Stress Toolkit

Heat stress effects thousands of Canadian workers every year. It has both short and long-term health effects

Due to climate change, extreme temperatures are becoming more frequent and concerns about heat stress and resulting occupational illness are on the rise.

To support employers and workers in their efforts to prevent heat stress, Occupational Health Clinics for Ontario Workers (OHCOW), in collaboration with the Centre for Research in Occupational Safety & Health (CROSH), have launched a comprehensive Heat Stress Toolkit.

The toolkit resources promote the dangers of working in heat and can guide workplaces in creating their own heat stress emergency response plan. It includes:

  • 3 Guides:
    • The Updated Heat Stress Awareness Guide
    • A New Prevention Tools & Strategies Guide
    • A New Physiological Monitoring Guide
  • Videos
  • An updated Online Heat Stress Calculator

The basis of the toolkit is the Heat Stress Awareness Guide developed by the Occupational Health and Safety Council of Ontario (OHSCO) in 2009. With the support of Ontario health and safety prevention system (through the Occupational Illness Prevention Steering Committee) and local labour unions, it was enhanced to include and address items specifically identified as needing improvement/revision.

Access the toolkit.

Published May 15, 2024

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