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Health & Safety Training Course Options

We offer a range of engaging & interactive training options delivered virtually or at your workplace by qualified & experienced safety professionals

Are you looking for health and safety training courses for yourself or for members of your team?

We're a training specialist on all aspects of workplace health and safety for the manufacturing, agriculture, and services sectors. We are also a Chief Prevention Officer-approved provider of Joint Health and Safety Committee (JHSC) Certification Training.

We offer a convenient mix of learning opportunities in a variety of formats, and in a range of price points – including free options. With training for individuals and groups, in both English and French, we’ve created training options that meet the needs of every workplace: accommodating different schedules, locations, learning styles, sizes, and more.

Which health and safety training option works best for you? Make a selection to learn more about each one.

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Joint Health & Safety Certification

Part 1, Part 2 & Refresher training for your committee reps -instructor-led live online classroom or self-paced online training available

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We offer a variety of courses designed to expand and sharpen your OHS skills for a more success career and safer workplace.

Popular eCourses:


WHMIS Online Training

This Online WHMIS Course is...

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JHSC Certification eCourse

Training for your joint health & safety...

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Ladder Safety Online Course

This course aligns with the Ladder...

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Workplace Inspections Training

This 1 hour Workplace Inspection Training...

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