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Important Updates Regarding WSPS Print Resources

Our Commitment to Environmental Sustainability

Transition to Digital Resources:

At WSPS, we are dedicated to continuously improving our services to meet your needs. As part of our commitment to environmental sustainability, we are taking steps to reduce our use of paper and physical storage media.

Retirement of Print Resources:

Please take note that the print resources listed below are being retired. We encourage you to consider reordering these resources now, as they will no longer be available after late December. This is an ideal opportunity to ensure you have access to these materials before they are discontinued. Thank you for your support as we work together to make strides toward a more sustainable future.

What WSPS Print Resources are Being Retired?

Is There a Digital Version of the Resource I'm Looking For?

We appreciate your interest in digital resources. Currently, we are in the process of determining which resources will be developed in digital formats.

How Can I Stay Informed About the Release of Digital Resources?

You can easily stay in the loop by signing up for email reminders here. This service will notify you when newly released digital resources become available, ensuring you're among the first to access these valuable tools and information.

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